Live Chats

Mar 30, 2023

If you would like your questions answered in one of these lives head over to my Facebook group and pop your question in the purple post that is featured at the top of the page.

Questions covered in this video

My GP is not happy with my cholesterol and says, "Lower your saturated fat - no more coconut (cream and oil included), ghee and meat fats."


How to optimise general health (female) as I approach 40 years of age (in a few years’ time). Thanks

(I actually talk about this the majority of the live, so you should get lots of tips and information out of this.

"Are you ready for a life and body transformation? Struggling to figure out the ins and outs ofĀ how you make permanent lifestyle changes? Have you hit a plateau in your weight loss journey or feeling unmotivated? Allow me to be your guide. My coaching programs offer personalized guidance, direction and the motivation you need to achieve your health and wellness goals. Invest in yourself, choose your coaching program now."


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